20 million batteries / IC, 300,000 tons of scrap metal, more than 30 cemeteries, and the tide of scr


During the heyday of the bicycle-sharing industry, there were more than 70 brands nationwide. With the accelerated integration of the industry, more than 60 brands have delisted one after another, forming a three-legged situation with Mobike / Harrow / ofo as the mainstay.

According to data from the China Bicycle Association, in 2016, 2 million bikes were released in 30 cities across the country. According to the "China Bike Sharing Industry Development Report (2018)" jointly released by the China Academy of Information and Communications and Mobike Policy Research Institute, In 2017, 23 million new vehicles were launched in 200 cities across the country. According to the above data, at least 25 million shared bicycles have entered the market within two years.

Since last year, the shared bicycle market in each city has reached a state of saturation. Many cities have strictly controlled the launch of shared bicycles. However, the shortcomings of low vehicle activity and high rates of man-made damage have already appeared in various places. Due to the high operation and maintenance costs of bicycle sharing, the maintenance and recovery work of enterprises is not in place, which has led to the emergence of bicycle sharing cemeteries in various places.

Currently, there are more than 30 bicycle-sharing cemeteries known in the country, scattered in more than 20 cities. Most bicycle-sharing cemeteries have more than 10,000 bicycles. Among them, bicycle cemeteries in Tongan, Xiamen, have a large scale of more than 100,000. Among them, mainly man-made damage, unclaimed cars and seized cars. With reference to the mandatory scrapping standards for shared bicycles issued by Beijing and Shanghai, the time limit for scrapping a shared bicycle is three years. The scrapping wave will come in 2020, and more than 300,000 tons of scrap metal will be produced by that time. The government has not yet established a comprehensive extended producer responsibility system, and the cost of recycling is relatively high. Most companies do not attach much importance to the recycling of bicycles. These scrap metals are facing difficulties in recycling.

The current number of Mobike and Ofo brand bikes on the market are tens of millions. Mobike uses electronic locks. Ofo relies on previous generations to adopt mechanical locks and subsequent products use electronic locks. Bicycles of other brands are also used. Mainly electronic lock. At present, most of the bicycles have electronic lock faults. It can be seen that electronic locks are relatively easy to wear parts.

As the market becomes more saturated, the total number of shared bikes will only decrease and not increase. The plans issued in various places also involve the issue of recycling of shared bicycles. The government stipulates that companies must only recycle scrap vehicles before they can put in new vehicles, and the number of newly released vehicles is also limited. In this way, the total number of shared bicycles is gradually controlled. For upstream supply chains, previous blowout developments will no longer exist. However, scrapped bicycles are constantly being recycled, and corresponding new products have been put on the market. In the future, the development of the entire bicycle-sharing industry will tend to be stable.

It is worthwhile to say that sharing bicycles combines traditional old bicycle technology with emerging mobile Internet, NB-IoT IoT locks, electronic fences, satellite positioning, composite materials and other technologies, which has improved technological innovation and created a lot of job opportunities. If the bicycle sharing companies control the number and solve the recycling problem, the entire industry will gradually enter a virtuous circle.       
